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(STARTED 2019)

Portfolio of Work that Engages my Mind

I have a somewhat substantial commute, so several of the books I have listened to as audiobooks in the car, checking out from the library and purchasing through apps such as audible and chirp. 

This is not an exhaustive list, and is based on my reading and work since the creation of this website (2019). 


"Cover to Cover" are works that I have read all the way through. I may use these in classes, for research, or these may be books for pleasure (there is such a thing!)


"Valuable Insights" are works that I have read (sometimes repeatedly) for teaching or research, but I haven't read every word (yet!)


"Podcasts"- I started easing into the idea of content on the drive with podcasts. These are some of my favorite. I still go back and listen to them from time to time, but I've been on an audiobook kick for a while!


"In the Queue"- Fairly self-explanatory! They're on my list, and are just waiting to be listened to, or read. 

Open Book


On Deck:

Reaching and Teaching Students in Poverty, Paul Gorski

The New Jim Crow, Michelle Alexander






We Want To Do More Than Survive, Bettina Love

Stamped, The Remix, Jason Reynolds & Ibram X Kendi

How to Be An Anti-Racist, Ibram X Kendi

​We Were Eight Years in Power, Ta-Nehisi Coates

Stamped, Ibram X Kendi

Culturally Responsive Teaching & the Brain, Zaretta Hammond

Whistling Vivaldi, Claude Steele

Play, Stuart Brown

Troublemakers, Carla Shalaby

Schooltalk, Mica Pollack

Educated, Tara Westover

The Explosive Child, Ross Greene

Grading for Equity, Joe Feldman

The Origin of Others, Toni Morrison

The Fire Next Time, James Baldwin

Education of the Gifted and Talented, 7th Ed, Rimm, Siegle, & Davis

G by Radiolab (podcast series)

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