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Rural Gifted SIG Proposal (Working Draft, 11/15/2018)


Rural locations impact gifted learners, teachers, and program offerings. Existing in every state, rural populations vary in many ways, including economic status, racial makeups, cultural groups, traditions, and spirituality, yet some commonalities can be found with reference to ideas about sense of place, family and/or community. The Rural Gifted SIG seeks to gather students, families, educators, and researchers that are interested in the population of gifted rural student, working to further professional practices and research, in an effort to best serve the needs of rural gifted children.

Per NAGC Policy Manual, Section 9.5, Article X, the formation of a SIG with NAGC requires:

a statement about the focus of the SIG,

a designated leader or contact person for the SIG,

a list of at least 15 NAGC members who plan to participate in the SIG, and

a list of proposed activities.

Statement of Focus:

The NAGC Rural Gifted SIG will serve to promote professional discussion and collaboration regarding gifted students in rural settings. The SIG is created to encourage a focus on this underserved group of students, and the intersectionality of race, language, culture and poverty that may potentially place additional barriers to the identification and services to this group of gifted students. Through collaborative experiences that engage rural gifted learners, parents, educators, and researchers, members of the Rural Gifted SIG will promote accountability in educational programming and foster equity and access to gifted programs to rural gifted students.

Designated Leader:

This proposal is respectfully submitted by:

Angela Novak, Ph.D., East Carolina University,

List of Proposed Activities:

Members of the Rural Gifted SIG are encouraged to participate in a Rural Gifted SIG meeting yearly at NAGC.

Rural Research Roundup: Leadership team will update an annotated list of published works as they are released, focused on the rural gifted student. This list, the “Rural Research Roundup” will be shared with the Rural Gifted SIG members.

Members are encouraged to submit strand proposals focused on rural gifted students to other applicable network strands, including but not limited to, Special Populations, Professional Development, and Research and Evaluation.

Members are encouraged to submit NAGC Insider ideas to existing networks that blend that network’s focus with rural gifted; suggested networks include (but are not limited to): Special Populations, Professional Development, Parenting, and Social/Emotional.

Members are encouraged to submit ideas to PHP and THP; column ideas to include: creating a community of gifted parents in rural settings, struggles of the sole practitioner in gifted rural settings, etc….



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